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Indigenous Peoples’ Day


On October 12th, as the United States celebrated Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a young woman named Maya, belonging to the indigenous community, prepared to honor her heritage in a meaningful and personal way. Maya’s heart was filled with a deep connection to her roots, and she wanted to celebrate with foods and traditions that resonated with her culture.
As the day dawned, Maya began her preparations by gathering ingredients that held significance to her indigenous heritage. She started her morning by making frybread, a traditional staple in many indigenous communities. The smell of the frybread sizzling in the pan filled her kitchen with a warm and comforting aroma, evoking memories of family gatherings and stories shared around the fire.
Next, Maya set up a small altar in her home, adorned with symbols of her ancestry. Feathers, beads, and sacred herbs found their place alongside photographs of her ancestors. She offered prayers of gratitude for the strength and resilience of her people, past and present.
For her celebratory meal, Maya prepared a dish known as “Three Sisters Stew,” which consisted of corn, beans, and squash. These three crops were traditionally cultivated together by many indigenous tribes, and the harmony between them symbolized unity and balance. Maya poured her love into each step of the cooking process, feeling a deep connection to her heritage with every ingredient she added.
As the day progressed, Maya joined a local community gathering to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day. She wore traditional clothing, adorned with intricate beadwork and patterns that spoke of generations of craftsmanship. Drum circles, dance performances, and storytelling sessions filled the event with a vibrant energy that connected everyone present.
Maya’s heart swelled with pride and joy as she participated in the festivities. She felt a sense of belonging, surrounded by others who shared her reverence for indigenous culture and history. Amidst the celebrations, Maya’s thoughts turned to the importance of acknowledging the true history of her people and fostering understanding among all communities.
As the sun began to set, Maya found herself reflecting on the day’s experiences. She felt grateful for the opportunity to honor her heritage, share her traditions with others, and inspire a deeper appreciation for the indigenous cultures that had shaped the land long before Columbus arrived.
With a heart full of gratitude and hope, Maya looked forward to continuing her journey of preserving and celebrating her indigenous identity, not just on one day, but every day.


There is no one authentic recipe for this soup ~ it can be made, and is made, in a variety of ways, with different combinations of ‘sisters’. Recipes have been passed down through generations in tribes, and have become more modernized in the process. My version uses chicken broth and fire roasted tomatoes for a flavorful broth, potatoes for their satisfaction factor, jalapeño and chipotle powder for a little kick of heat, and black eyed peas because I love them. FYI tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers are all indigenous crops, native to the Americas.

  • olive oil
  • garlic
  • onion
  • chicken broth ~ or veggie broth
  • fire roasted tomatoes, canned
  • red potatoes~ sweet potatoes would also be nice
  • zucchiniand/or summer squash
  • corn~ while you could use frozen, I would urge you to slice the kernels off fresh ears, it really makes a difference
  • black-eyed peas ~ either canned or dried
  • jalapeño ~ makes things pop
  • chipotle powderadds a nice smokey heat
  • bay leaf~ I never make soup without it
  • cumin
  • salt and pepper

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